Friday, July 9, 2010


Life isn't fair. It never has been, it never will be but it always catches me off guard. I used to complain to my mom, "that's not fair!" She always replied "life's not fair." And she was right. Things hardly ever turn out the way we think they are supposed to but they do turn out. Sometimes the way things turn make you want to scream, cry, or sometimes laugh. I still believe life isn't fair but I do think it all gets worked out in the end.

I don't know why bad things happen to good people other than that it is the Lord's will. I don't understand everything that he does and why but I do know there is a purpose and plan.

I know the Lord loves every single soul on this earth and he has a plan for each of us. Please pray for family and friends that you know are in need of comfort, love, and understanding.


  1. You're right, life is NOT fair! Nor will it ever be. But aren't we lucky that it's not? How would we ever learn, grow, or progress spiritually if life didn't have challenges. The Lord will NOT place an obstacle/challenge/temptation in front of us that we are not able to handle or that he will not help us through (IF we let him). (1 cor. 10:13) This doesn't make the pain go away, but will allow peace and comfort to flow in our lives knowing that we aren't alone in our trials. Love you Kell!!

  2. Well put Kellee. I don't know that I'm at a point in my life that I can say I feel "lucky" to have my trials, but I do feel like the Lord has a plan for each of us and it is our faith that can give us the comfort to get us through. Thanks for posting this; I know more people needed it than you think. XOXO
