Thursday, July 22, 2010


WARNING: Picture overload!
I haven't blogged in quite sometime so I think this is going to be a Hodge-podge of events from the past month. For starters I never posted any Fathers Day pics:
Brynlee painting my belly button
Brynn's hand print on my belly. She likes to help me! Brynn helping me make breakfast for Jared and Mike. She is such a good helper!Jared being Jared. Eating his Father's Day breakfast and giving Baby Princess an interesting glare.I think he's pretty excited to become a daddy! He actually asks/offers to hold other people's babies which I have never seen him do before! The card has my belly button print, Brynlee's hand print and a pretend baby foot print.
Felisha was involved in all of this but I don't have any pics to prove it.

The 4th of July was fun! We BBQed at our apt pool and swam in the rain. Then headed to the beach for fireworks and didn't quite make it but stopped on a bridge to watch. It actually turned out quite perfect!
Bryn and I makin' fish faces in our red, white, and blue!
Jared, Mike, and Brynlee stacked 3 high in the pool!A shot of us watching the fireworks
The Rindi's at the firework show.
During the long days that our hubbies are working us wives (yes I am aware that we sound like polygamists) have recipes exchange. We all bring a dish to share and either watch the bachelorette or just chat and play with kids. We have had some great one's including learning how to make sushi, dessert night, breakfast, Mexican, and Italian!
This is what the kids do during recipe exchange! ( Bailee, Tommy, and Afton.) Sushi taught to us by Megan. It was yummy!

Kellee burritos (that's what Jared has names them) on Mexican night.And this awesome looking drink that makes drinking watermelon possible!

Another post should be coming soon now that I have Internet again.


  1. Ah you're the cutest wife ever! I bet Jared loved your belly button print! Your burritos look amazing! You'll have to give me that recipe sometime :]

  2. I seriously want all of these recipes YUMMO!!! You look SUPER cute Prego!! Hope you are doing good!

  3. Between Jared's creepy voice and the random looks Baby Princess isn't going to be scared of strangers at better keep a close eye on her!! Haha love the pics I would say I am sad I am not in them but since I was throwing up prior to most of these activities it's best I'm not in them!!
