Now for some fat pics because it's been awhile. I have to admit they are harder to post now because I no longer feel as if I'm a cute pregnant lady, I just feel fat. I am now over 8 months! However, if getting fat is the price I have to pay to have my little girl I'll do it gladly!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Key Largo, Montego baby why don't we go?
Last weekend we decided to go with some friends down to the Keys. We didn't have any specific plans we just went with the flow. We ended up going to a couple T-shirt/gift shops and Jared and I got a little trinket to hang on our Christmas tree. This is a little tradition we started on our honeymoon, we get an ornament from the places we've lived or vacationed. This time a little wood carved turtle that says Key Largo. We then drove for awhile looking for some street to turn down to dip in the water but to no avail. We asked a gas station attended who didn't help us out, he told us we'd have to drive all the way down to Key West (the very bottom) to go to a beach! So we drove a bit more hoping to see a glimpse of water close by that we could jump in, we didn't. Then we headed to a pizza joint that was pretty yummy and had the one thing I had been wanting while down in the Keys - Key lime pie! It was pretty good and quite tart, I think I like fake key lime pie better!
Afton and Bailee at the Pizza place!
Janelle and Dan serving up some yummy pizza!
Me eating my tart pie!
Kelby, Michelle, and baby kloie. Jared was using his ubber creepy voice to get Klo smiling!
Part of the drive. There are really cool parts where there is just ocean on both sides of the street. It's kind of a strange sensation to be driving out on the ocean.

Thursday, July 22, 2010
WARNING: Picture overload!
I haven't blogged in quite sometime so I think this is going to be a Hodge-podge of events from the past month. For starters I never posted any Fathers Day pics:

Jared, Mike, and Brynlee stacked 3 high in the pool!
A shot of us watching the fireworks
The Rindi's at the firework show.

I haven't blogged in quite sometime so I think this is going to be a Hodge-podge of events from the past month. For starters I never posted any Fathers Day pics:
Brynlee painting my belly button
Brynn's hand print on my belly. She likes to help me!
Brynn helping me make breakfast for Jared and Mike. She is such a good helper!
Jared being Jared. Eating his Father's Day breakfast and giving Baby Princess an interesting glare.
I think he's pretty excited to become a daddy! He actually asks/offers to hold other people's babies which I have never seen him do before! The card has my belly button print, Brynlee's hand print and a pretend baby foot print.
Felisha was involved in all of this but I don't have any pics to prove it.
The 4th of July was fun! We BBQed at our apt pool and swam in the rain. Then headed to the beach for fireworks and didn't quite make it but stopped on a bridge to watch. It actually turned out quite perfect!
Bryn and I makin' fish faces in our red, white, and blue!
During the long days that our hubbies are working us wives (yes I am aware that we sound like polygamists) have recipes exchange. We all bring a dish to share and either watch the bachelorette or just chat and play with kids. We have had some great one's including learning how to make sushi, dessert night, breakfast, Mexican, and Italian!
This is what the kids do during recipe exchange! ( Bailee, Tommy, and Afton.)
Sushi taught to us by Megan. It was yummy!
Kellee burritos (that's what Jared has names them) on Mexican night.And this awesome looking drink that makes drinking watermelon possible!
Another post should be coming soon now that I have Internet again.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Life isn't fair. It never has been, it never will be but it always catches me off guard. I used to complain to my mom, "that's not fair!" She always replied "life's not fair." And she was right. Things hardly ever turn out the way we think they are supposed to but they do turn out. Sometimes the way things turn make you want to scream, cry, or sometimes laugh. I still believe life isn't fair but I do think it all gets worked out in the end.
I don't know why bad things happen to good people other than that it is the Lord's will. I don't understand everything that he does and why but I do know there is a purpose and plan.
I know the Lord loves every single soul on this earth and he has a plan for each of us. Please pray for family and friends that you know are in need of comfort, love, and understanding.
I don't know why bad things happen to good people other than that it is the Lord's will. I don't understand everything that he does and why but I do know there is a purpose and plan.
I know the Lord loves every single soul on this earth and he has a plan for each of us. Please pray for family and friends that you know are in need of comfort, love, and understanding.
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