Thursday, November 4, 2010

Zinni is growing too fast!

Warning: Lots-o-pics!
First date after having Z. I think she's about 4 weeks old. Zinni loves taking naps with Daddy!
Big yawn!A snap shot on Zinni's Marmee blanket.
Jared loves to do stuff like this to our kiddo. Yes, she looks Asian.
Seriously, my child is getting huge! I don't know how time can fly so ridiculously fast!

Here is Z with her Uncle Lukie when we went up to Luke's parents to shoot some guns!!
This is my genius child doing sign language and smiling!
Zebra baby. Chillin' in the car seat.This is probably one of my favorite pics EVER because I'm a mean mommy like that! Snoozin' on Auntie Liz after a date night at the OG! (side note: Jared got a name badge at the Olive Garden basically for just being Jared, if you know what I mean!)Another night with our friends, hangin' out in there unfinished bathroom. I love that it looks like Jared and Liz are the couple with baby Zinni and David's the odd-man-out! Ha ha sorry David!
Sleeping in the car seat.
She sits up and is really good with holding her head up. This little lady wants to grow up fast! She's very stubborn, loves to cuddle and be held, is dramatic, and sleeping at least 6 hours through the night! We call her Zinni, Zin, Zin Zin, Zinnidee Anne, Zaz, and Baby Princess.
She is seriously growing like crazy! Her 2 month appointment is tomorrow so I'll try to remember to post stats.


  1. I loved this post. She is the cutest thing ever! I love the pics you picked to put on here (especially the "family" pic you took with Jared me and david. hahaha I'm peeing)

  2. Cute! I can't wait to meet her!

  3. Yea Zinne! You are such a doll! We love that you are here and we get to see your cute face!

  4. OMG, the last picture you posted, Zinni totally looks like Avonlea!

  5. She's simply beautiful! You guys are such a cute little fam.

  6. She is so dang cute! I can't believe she's 2 months...I swear you just had her last week!

  7. I wuv my Zinni! Thanks for posting those pics!
