Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Half way
It feels good and surreal to be half way through pregnancy. On one hand I still have to remind myself regularly that I am pregnant. On the other hand being so sick at the beginning made it drag on and on for what seemed like forever! So here I am just over 20 weeks and I already want to hold our baby girl but I am savoring this time Jared and I have while it's still just us.
Pictures make blogging better so here's to half way!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The news
We have had a lot going on! Between packing, cleaning, and last minute shopping trips, driving 48 hours straight and shopping several times in our new town for the summer there hasn't been much time for anything except...RELAXING!! We have been super busy but when we can stop we do. We've been exploring our new summer home town, going to the beach, and swimming at our very convenient apartment pool! I am LOVING Florida so far and hope that love sticks through the mucky weather time.
Brynn after napping somewhere along the drive. Doesn't she look happy??
Feeding our neighborhood ducks, they are a little freaky and come right up close and hiss!
At Fort Lauderdale Beach! Lots of fun but man we are white!
Now the exciting news that concludes my last post. We went to my 20 week ultrasound (I was still only 18 weeks). Everything was normal except our little one is not so little, measuring a little on the big side, yikes! Anyway they had a little trouble determining the gender because our baby was being private and the cord was between the legs. However after much deliberation they concluded our baby is 95% likely a GIRL!!!! Honestly I was a little surprised and Jared was a little bummed (that punk) but it all started sinking in and we started getting really excited soon after! Jared got me beautiful pink flowers and a card that night to reassure me that he was very excited for our baby girl, whom Brynnie (our pretend daughter for now) has affectionately named "Baby Princess!" (Jared was also the first to come home with a little pink sleeper).
We are SO excited for the summer adventures and even more excited about our Baby Princess!
We arrived in Florida to our new place on Monday which was my birthday, best gift was being DONE driving! We were all really wiped out but got moved in and settled pretty quickly. I love our apartment complex and the area. Our apartment is really nice but it doesn't quite feel like home yet, that shouldn't take long.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I am a chubby bunny
Has anyone played this camping game favorite? I will give you a brief run down of the rules: You put one marshmallow in your mouth and declare aloud, "I am a chubby bunny." Then the next few people participating do the same until it's back to you and you stuff another large, fluffy, mallow in your pie hole. Around and around you go until you have 7 in your mouth, you're trying not to gag, and yelling out, "I AM a chuubby mbuunny!!" (The game usually ends with marshmallow flying out your nose and mouth into the campfire while you try not to fall in from laughing so hard!)
Well the title is just about how I feel right now...chubby (and I thought the bunny part was appropriate what with Easter and all). I am 17 weeks along now and just feel fat. Don't get me wrong I am SO happy to be pregnant and I know I am only going to get fatter but I had to vent a little!
Also people, we are finding out the gender of our little one in one week!! Please make a guess (poll to the right) and leave me a comment if you wish. I am curious to find out what the consensus is! Now for the much *cough* anticipated belly pics!
Week 11: This was in the midst of the sickness. At this point it was very hard to even get dressed, let alone stand up straight and smile for the camera. I'd lost a few pounds also.
From week 11 to 15 nothing much happened. A lot of laying in bed and throwing up, I only really got dressed for my doc's appointment..
Week 16 I suddenly have a very pronounced belly! (Please ignore the crap in the background, we do attempt to clean.)
Week 17: I feel chubby but happy.
The Chubby Bunny!
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