Thursday, October 7, 2010

Peace out

Peace out gall bladder. I didn't care for you anyway! You and all your stones were really getting on my nerves! Now the real question will be, are you going to continue to haunt me with phantom attacks? I think the answer should be no. I mean I don't even have you as an organ anymore so really how could you still attack me? Plus surgery and recovering hasn't been so fun so that should cover my pain quota for the next while. Anyone agree with me?

I do have to note that I like hospitals. Not always the reason I'm at the hospital but I like knowing that everything is clean, I like the smell (I know, weird), I love the nurses and being able to push a button and someone will come to your aid. I loved the hospital stay when I had Zin, who is a month old, by the way! (I will post pics soon.) And I loved my hospital food, yum!

Even though I like hospitals I HATE hospital bills and I hope I will not be returning any time soon!


  1. I'm so sorry! Hope you're healing super quickly :] Call me if you need help with anything. I may take a little longer then the nurses to get there but I'll get there!

  2. You had your gall bladder removed?? Sheesh! Can't you tell someone to hold off on the physical invasiveness for a while?? Well I hope you get better soon!

  3. Don't forget all the fun drug perscriptions you get too! You love that too right?

  4. Oh my goodness, I hope you're recovering fast - you've got a little babe to take care of! I had another friend that had to get her gall bladder out right after she had a baby in August... I wonder if there's any connection? Crazy. Your little girl is so dang cute... I want to see more pics! :)

  5. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, it sounds rough, hope you recover quickly.
    And YES, more pics of that cutie-pie please!
