Our little family spent this past Saturday in San Fran. We visited Jared's cousin, saw their cute apartment, and rode a bus to Chinatown. Riding the bus while standing with a baby strapped to me up and down the San Francisco hills was a bit challenging but worth the ride! When we were nearly to our stop a little old Asian woman who didn't speak a word of English sat by Zinni and oohed and aahed over her. She then proceeded to give Zin a round, disc shaped, pink glob (the only word I can think of to describe it). And Zinni promptly put it to her mouth. The Asian woman stopped her to pull the leaf paper back and let Zin continue. Zinni sunk her teeth right in, chewed and swallowed. We arrived at our stop seconds later and the Asian woman insisted we take her bag which had 2 more of the same thing. As soon as we got out and the bus was on its way I had to see and try just what it was my daughter was eating. OH. MY. GOSH! The pink glob was like uncooked, or partially steamed dough and the inside dare I say may have been cat, dog or some other kind of meat that I am pretty sure I have NEVER had before. Seriously. Not candy. Not a fun little Chinese pastry. A glob filled with foreign meat. Barf. I can't believe my two year old chewed and swallowed it, so polite. Jared spit his bite out, if that tells you anything!
We then went and ate good Chinese food at Dim Sum, where i had to change two diapers on about a 10x6 inch counter (you know you aren't in Utah when..). We walked around Chinatown and Jared's cousin got Zinni a cute little panda bear in a kimono, we didn't find out until driving home that it also plays a song in Chinese, that might get old.
Finally while on the way out of the city stuck in traffic Zinni melted my heart. This is what she said, "Mom, I tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a princess (pretty hand gestures) and a DI-NO-SAUR! Stole baby brother and cry (pouty face). Daddy save brother and make me so happy! And I say it's ok brother. The end." I almost died it was so cute! I love that little cutie. Zandon did wonderful in the city and zonked in the car. Fun little trip with my fun little family!