We were lucky enough to go on a little vaca a couple weeks ago to my sister's house out in the Bay Area. It was so nice to see her, her husband, and our two (soon to be three) nieces. It was great to enjoy the warm moist air, go to the beach, and have a little time with the hubs. There is so much I love about California but I am always happy to be home. While in Cali we had to take advantage of
my sister's mad photography skills and have some family photos shot. Go
here to check them out. Now a few pics from a not so professional:
My cute little stinker on the drive out

First taste of sand, she liked it. A lot.

Daddy and Z at the petting zoo

Mommy and Zin out to dinner for my birthday (please ignore my spit-up child's chin)

First steps in the ocean and it was COLD!