Yes, that's right. My baby girl is 6 months old tomorrow! I love it, I hate it. Today has been a rough day. I don't know if she is getting more teeth, getting sick, or is learning the art of whining and crying for attention. I've lost my cool a couple times today which is pointless and wrong because she doesn't know it hurts Mommy when she bites down while trying to eat, or that if she turns her head while I'm trying to burp her she will spit up all over me. She's 6 months old and although she is growing and changing so fast she is still a baby. She has been SO easy the past 3 months I have become spoiled.
She is my buddy and my favorite thing to do everyday, all day, is try to get her smiling and laughing. If I get a few grins and giggles a day it is a day well spent!

Finally sold my motorcycle so I had to snap a couple pics of my Zin being wicked cool atop the old Vstar.

Zinni started solid foods a few weeks ago. She took to it really well but now doesn't like to open her mouth for a spoonful. We've tried rice cereal, bananas, peas, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes.

As I said, growing and changing fast! She rolls around a lot, wriggles her little body to grab various toys, sits up on her own, and babbles (she says "mamama" a lot).

This is the face that represents today. Honestly she doesn't do it all that much and I am grateful for the happy baby that she is *most* of the time.